Ever since I was in my early 20’s I have wanted to work in development. But getting into development is tough, people tell you to get practical experience, to get a masters, to learn another language, get a skill or trade, to forget about a skill get policy knowledge, to volunteer, to network. There is no clear path in which to take – I worked for several different charities in the UK and eventually back in 2012 I decided I wanted to get practical experience in a developing country so applied to volunteer through VSO, and after a fast 5 months was on my way to Zambia.
After only 22 days we successfully surpassed our Crowdfunding target of $6,500 to support 25 HIV+ Malnourished children at the Tiny Tim & Friends Clinic with three months of nutritional support and education.
Huge thank you to the CARINGCROWD℠ platform, for supporting us as one of their pilot projects and to the 36 donors who made this possible. Additional thank you to all of those people who shared our project to their networks. We will be providing plenty of updates on the children you have helped to support so stay posted. |
February 2024